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I know what I need to do, I’m just not doing it.  Or, why do I keep doing that over and over when it only ends up hurting me?  Why can’t I break this habit or pattern?

I once had a high-end sales person come to me who said:  Craig, I feel like there is a pile of money sitting right in front of me and I have a rake in my hand and I’m just staring at it and not raking.

Or, this is a typical one… I know how to eat healthy, I just can’t get myself to do it and don’t have the willpower.

How about being Scared to death to speak up or speak in public..that’s another common one.

or, maybe you just Worry and stress about everything?…or

I can’t pull the trigger on this thing I want to do…

You’re looking for Mental toughness and confidence to overcome your mental blocks like these, right?
Good, that’s what I do, you’re in the right place. I’m a mental toughness toughness trainer and now let me give you my definition of mental toughness:   It’s Focused, Confident, Determined and Resilient…especially under pressure.

Kind of the opposite of all those problems I mentioned earlier, huh?

So why do we have these types of problems?  Here’s why:
You have 2 major functions of your mind…your Conscious mind and your Unconscious mind. Your conscious mind is that function that chooses and decides on how you want to live or do things. Your unconscious mind (some people call it your subconscious), on the other hand, is the functioning of all your Automatic processes.  This function operates based on your beliefs or what I call belief programs which are networks of beliefs working together.

Well, the bottom line is this: if you have beliefs or programs that are in opposition to what you want and choose with your conscious mind, your unconscious mind always wins that conflict in the long run…until you change the beliefs and programs.

It is 100x more powerful over you than your conscious choices. To help you understand, imagine a rider on an elephant.  How much power does a rider on an elephant have over the elephant to get the elephant to do what he wants?  It all depends on the elephant’s training, right?

Therefore, if you want to change something about yourself that isn’t working for you today, you’ve got to Re-program your unconscious mind…re-train the elephant.  This is it! This is the secret to CHANGING anything about yourself.

Now, I’ve known this for a long time and I’ve been on a mission to figure out how to do this effectively. It turns out, there’s no magic trick or silver bullet that works to do this overnight. It doesn’t exist despite all the advertising you might have seen like:  “Lose 10 pounds a week and keep it off forever eating whatever you want.”  Pure snake oil and I know you’re a lot smarter than that.

Having said that, over the years and working with over 1500 people in person and tens of thousands online, I have developed a Systematic process that changes your programming and beliefs…re-trains your elephant… in less than 30 days.

Let me give you the basics of my 4-step process I call: The R.A.C.E. Formula for mental toughness. This is the vehicle that transports you to clearing your mental baggage and installs new beliefs that your unconscious mind then automatically operates on moving you effortlessly to your goals. RACE Formula is a metaphor framework based on a Formula 1 race car driver wanting to win a major, you achieving your goal. And by the way, your goal could be to Eliminate a destructive habit or procrastination.

R stands for Relentless and it means you become relentless about your ability and desire to change these automatic thoughts and bodily responses that seem to be out of your control. They are not.  This doesn’t mean willpower. No, willpower is that little rider on top of the elephant. You have something more powerful than willpower.  Desire to follow a Strategic plan.

A formula 1 driver has a strategic plan and is relentless about every minor detail in preparing for a race and in competition. He never lets up on his focus, analyzing his strategy, what his team is doing, and he’s always re-committing to his plan when he veers off of it.  He is relentless in transforming his mind into a precision machine to work in tandem with his car. When he does that, the win just happens…

A stands for Awareness.

We have begun this process right here in this video. You know the old saying: “Light at the end of the tunnel.”  And getting out of the dark tunnel is your goal.   Awareness is the map of the tunnel and the flashlight to read and follow it.

A formula 1 race car driver must literally be as knowledgeable about his car as a mechanic.  The best drivers can hear subtle little sounds and vibrations when driving their car that tell them something is off.  They have Awareness of all the workings of their car in order to guide their mechanic or to adjust in competition.

Next is C.  for Clear.
This is the real work…Clear your junk programming. A race car driver must have a clear mind going into the race.  He must stay focused on the task at hand with that clarity. His vehicle must also be clear, inside and out.  A speck on his windshield, for instance can mean the difference between winning and a spectacular crash.  Impurities in fuel, oil and other fluids can burn up an engine in seconds. You literally have like, computer viruses in your bio-computer, your body.  They must be cleared out.

E. Emotional Mastery. This is the final piece for mental toughness.   I used to believe that just clearing the mental viruses was all you needed.  But here’s what I discovered in recent years… we develop Self-sabotaging habits just from the experience of emotions all by themselves and those don’t go away even when you clear the original reason.  I’ll use myself as an example. When I was young, I was always the smallest boy in every grade, through high school. I was picked on and bullied.  I created some self-destructive beliefs about being “small” that hindered my ability to succeed in business.  I cleared that programming but guess what…I had a knee-jerk fear response that I had been doing for years from all of that to protect me from being bullied.  I had to Master the fear, which is the emotion, in addition to clearing the original belief. If I hadn’t mastered the fear, I wouldn’t be hear on camera, on stage, in the news, in public, teaching to you like I am now.  This is the power of Emotional mastery.

I’m going to send you more emails in coming days to pick up where I left off here to give you more tools for all of this.  Look for it.  The R.A.C.E. Formula always works when you work it.
Let’s do this,
I’m Craig Sigl, your mental toughness toughness trainer